Simple but sublime…
In Acts 8:32, these words were read by a man who was seeking to have a relationship with God. He was puzzled as to whom our sins were laid on. The truths contained are very simple, yet they are sublime and life changing. The God to whom you and I are responsible, loves us all individually. He cannot lie and has stated two facts and wants us to agree with Him by accepting what He says as true.
Gone the wrong way…
Firstly, we have all individually gone the wrong way. Spiritually we are at a distance from God because of our individual sins.
God punished His own Son…
Secondly, He has already dealt with the problem of our sins by punishing His own Son for our individual sins. His Son has willingly paid with His blood and died – not for His own sins, for He had none because He was perfect – but for my sins. His death has completely satisfied God’s holiness. On the cross He said, “It is finished” – sin’s penalty was fully met and the debt is cleared because the price that my sins demanded is paid in full.
We forget that our sins are against God…
We compare ourselves with each other but we forget that are sins are against God. And God has declared that not one sin will ever enter into heaven. If our sins are not forgiven while we are on earth, we will personally suffer God’s holy punishment against those sins forever.
Agree with God…
God wants you to agree with Him that you are a sinner deserving of His punishment. Only then will you understand that the Lord Jesus Christ has already died and His blood has paid for your sins. You can have this experience today – even the forgiveness of sins – if you will accept God at His word and trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour.